Executive Search

Innovation Starts Here

You’re creating the most important breakthroughs of the 21st century, and with that come countless variables that seem out of your control.

Talent uncertainty does not have to be an uncontrollable variable.

You can find the right leaders for your company, and we are here to help. We aren’t merely filling seats; we partner with you to build teams that shape the future.

Alioth helps you assess potential leadership hires for cultural fit.

A Different Experience


You’re inventing breakthrough technologies that will fundamentally change your industry. That doesn’t happen overnight. We’re invested in finding you top-tier candidates who will make a lasting impact on your organization and the world.

Save Time

We streamline the search process by using data-driven insights, reducing time spent on ineffective sourcing and calibration activities, and presenting a pool of highly-qualified and culturally-aligned candidates from the outset.

Unrivaled Service

You have our undivided attention. With fewer concurrent searches, deep industry knowledge, access to a vast network of key executives, and decades of experience, our tenured consultants ensure that every step is handled with white-glove service.

Reduce Long-Term Search Costs

We don’t just find the right candidates; we help set them up for success after they’re hired, reducing turnover at your company.


Give your talent a first-rate experience and stand out from your competition. Differentiation comes from caring about your candidates’ long-term integration and success—not just filling a seat.

Two-Year Guarantee

We have a two-year guarantee for new executive hires when you use our Hiring Success Platform in conjunction with your search—at no additional cost. Experience the power of data-driven talent acquisition without any of the risk.


Alioth’s Hiring Success Platform delivers sophisticated diagnostic solutions that help organizations identify, attract, and retain top executive talent. We are the ideal partner for companies looking to optimize their executive hiring outcomes.

Our Services

We want to help you find the people who will usher in new possibilities in the life sciences industries.

Executive Search

We help you hire the executives who’ll catalyze what’s next—executives with vision, with purpose, and with gumption.

We don’t want to simply fill your open positions; we want to match you with the right executive who will effect long-term impact.

To achieve that goal, we’ve developed a unique search process that is tailored to your company, your market, your culture, and the open position. And our proprietary Hiring Success Platform, helps you hire the right people by using data and providing you with insights about your talent acquisition process.

We work with you on building a hiring plan from start to finish. That includes everything from understanding your organizational culture to helping craft a job description to sourcing candidates to offering interviewing strategies to building success plans for your new executive.

Even after you’ve found the right candidate and signed the contract, our work is not over. We continue to check in because we care about your new executive’s integration.

Strategic Talent Acquisition

In addition to executive search, we partner with you on your strategic talent acquisition initiatives because shaping the future requires great leaders throughout the org chart.

Whether you are looking for a key hire at a startup or hiring for mid-to-senior-level management roles at a large enterprise, we are ready to help.

The best part: We bring the same white-glove service of executive search to your strategic hiring initiatives—for a fraction of the cost.

That includes access to the same executive search consultants, the same high-touch search process, and the same technology platform.

Our Focus

We partner with biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostics, and agtech companies of all stages.

Our Functional Areas

In addition to their proven track records as executive recruiters, our consultants have held internal leadership roles. They’ve been in your shoes and understand how to build teams in highly technical and regulated environments and across all functional areas, including:

Our Mission: Align Talent with Culture

Too often culture is often an afterthought in talent acquisition, when it should be at the forefront.

Candidates can look great on paper, but unless their values, nuanced experience, and working styles complement those of your organization, they can be quick to depart, costing your company severely. In fact, over two-thirds of new hire failures at the senior leadership levels are the result of a lack of culture fit.

That’s why we take time to understand not only the needs and requirements for each role, but also the cultural texture of your organization.

And we do that by combining the art and science of executive search.

The Art

Each of our executive search consultants draws on over 20 years of experience in the life sciences and technology industries. They have seen how the best companies transform industries and enrich lives, and they want to help you do the same.

The Science

You wouldn’t conduct an important experiment without structure and data to support your process. The same should be true of your searches. 

That’s why we built our Hiring Success Platform. Our diagnostic solutions use proprietary methodology and analytics to shape your search strategy and optimize each stage of the talent acquisition lifecycle, ensuring a streamlined process, a better candidate experience, and improved hiring outcomes.

The Alioth Hiring Success Platform


It’s hard to get an edge on your competition in today’s talent marketplace. That’s why we built the Alioth Hiring Success Platform.

Our platform uses artificial intelligence and analytics to deliver data-driven executive search services.

Alioth’s insights help you make more informed hiring decisions, bring much-needed efficiency to the process, and create a better experience for you and your candidates.

Data-Driven Insights

Our proprietary platform delivers insights across the following areas.

Culture Assessment

Tap into the collective wisdom of your company, uncover insights about cultural strengths and opportunities, and create a blueprint to maximize your company’s performance.

Employer Brand Audit

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your employer brand across the web. Align your lived culture with your promoted culture.

Optimized Candidate Profile

Streamline the search process, refine the job description and candidate profile, and align your organization in support of the new leader. Discover unexpected talent pools, and hire the right leaders who will thrive in their new roles.

Talent Marketing Collateral

Standout with our proprietary career opportunity profiles that visually showcase your company and culture, engaging and attracting highly desirable candidates in a competitive market.

Interview and Evaluation Plan

Create a formal, data-informed interview and evaluation process, which, in turn, aligns stakeholders and reduces bias during the hiring process.

New Hire Integration Plan

Enable new hires to ramp up quickly and smoothly integrate into the company. Help them navigate the unwritten rules of your organization and reduce attrition among executives.

Your Alioth Team

Holly Wittenberg

Holly Wittenberg

President, Executive Search
Life Sciences Practice

Tim Judge

Tim Judge

AVP of Life Sciences Executive Search

Juliana Rissi

Juliana Rissi

Executive Sourcing Partner

Janet Stafford

Janet Stafford

CEO & Co-Founder

Marie Miller

Marie Miller

Executive Search Assistant

Some of Our Customers

Let’s Talk About Your Future

We’d love to learn more about you.  Our aim is to provide as much value as possible while helping you decide whether Alioth is the right solution for your Executive Search needs. Drop us a line here and we’ll follow up to schedule your consultation.